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Senin, 21 September 2009

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Minggu, 13 September 2009

What are the symptoms of mesothelioma?

Symptoms of mesothelioma may not appear until 30 to 50 years after exposure to asbestos. Shortness of breath and pain in the chest due to an accumulation of fluid in the pleura are often symptoms of pleural mesothelioma. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include weight loss and abdominal pain and swelling due to a buildup of fluid in the abdomen. Other symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma may include bowel obstruction, blood clotting abnormalities, anemia, and fever. If the cancer has spread beyond the mesothelium to other parts of the body, symptoms may include pain, trouble swallowing, or swelling of the neck or face.
These symptoms may be caused by mesothelioma or by other, less serious conditions. It is important to see a doctor about any of these symptoms. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis.

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Las Vegas Hotel Maps

So you are planning to visit Las Vegas but…. do you know where to start looking? Do you know where are the places you want to see? And, most important of all…. do you know where are you going to stay? Obviously you can not go anywhere if you do not know any of these things, right? Maybe it has happened to you that you have been to Las Vegas or any other place but you did not have a good experience as you expected, maybe the hotel where you stayed was not very comfortable, or it did not have the kind of service you deserve, or you did not find exactly what you were looking for. It is likely because you did not have enough information about hotels and you had to stay in the first one you found. Maybe the right hotel was closer than you knew but you did not even suspected it!
Well, do not let that happen again, now you will know all these things you need to know for sure, Las Vegas hotel maps gives you not just the exact location of the finest hotels, but also all the information about them such as how many rooms they have and when is the best time to go knowing that you will find great rooms available so you can rest comfortably; also what kind of service you can get in each of them, which attractions and activities you may find there assuring you will have the best time of your life and can really enjoy your time there, in few words all you need to know so you can choose the one you prefer and the one that has all you want, without any regrets at all.
But…. knowing the exact location of a hotel or any other place may not be enough if you do not know which way to go so you can get there, don’t you think? There may be several ways to go to some place but there is always a shorter and easier way you can take. Las Vegas hotel maps also shows you the best ways to get wherever you want to go without getting lost, you will not have to worry anymore about where to go or how to get there, as long as you use Las Vegas hotel maps

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Mesothelioma is a type of cancer involving mesothelial tissues of body organs usually lungs or abdominal. It is often caused by exposure to asbestos. However, there are 30-50% of patients without any history of asbestos exposure.
People who have received asbestos exposure of as little as one or two months to very low doses are at risk of mesothelioma cancer. Even people who wash clothes of asbestos exposed people are at risk. A person exposed to asbestos could develop mesothelioma after 50 years of exposure.
People in the occupations such as construction jobs in shipyards, insulators, boilermakers, etc. are at the risk of contracting asbestos disease.
The 2 common types of mesothelioma are:
Pleural mesothelioma (lung cancer) and Peritoneal mesothelioma (abdomen organs). The survival time for a patient with diffuse malignant mesothelioma is from 4 to 24 months from the observance of the symptoms. Mesothelioma is also difficult to diagnose.
The chance of recovery for a patient with mesothelioma depends on size and location of the cancer, age of the patient and his response to the treatment. Presently, the treatment options for mesotheliomas are: Radiation therapy, Chemotherapy, Surgery and Photodynamic therapy. There is some evidence that provitamin A or beta-carotene may decrease the risk of mesothelioma

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Jumat, 04 September 2009

The late Conrad Hilton who built a chain of hotels across the world, was firmly of the belief that if he built a hotel in the right location it would make money. “Location, Location, Location” was his motto. Never build a hotel where there ain’t no traffic.

The same rule applies on the Internet. Build your site in the right location and it will succeed

So the question is: “how do I find the right plot of Internet real estate on which to build my site?”

For the purposes of this exercise I would like you to imagine a smart seaside town called Google.

Along the sea front and around the marina, where the luxury yachts are parked, are smart hotels, casinos and apartment blocks. At street level in each of these buildings there are international shops like Tiffany, Gucci and Prada selling luxury goods

In the next block back from the front are really nice houses owned by wealthy citizens. And behind them are not-quite-so-nice houses and apartments. So it goes, as you walk away from the sea front the houses and shops become less and less expensive. Until, just on the outskirts of the town of Google, there is a trailer park where the least wealthy citizens stay.

In the town of Google it costs a lot of money to rent one of the shops on the seafront because they are seen by large numbers of passers-by. These will be both the wealthy people staying in the town and day-trippers who are just sight-seeing. However, you can rent a shop in the trailer park for much less money. Here you will still get valuable passing traffic but the competition will not be nearly so great.

The mistake that most people make when they build their web sites is to build around keywords which all the powerful multi-nationals are using for their seafront stores. These organizations are spending mega bucks to get their web sites to the top positions on the search engines. Your chances of competing with them and achieving a top search engine ranking are very slim.

Much better to build your web site around the ‘trailer park’ keywords. Where you can still get masses of valuable traffic, but you’re not competing with the mega-buck budgets of the multi-national corporations.

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Kamis, 03 September 2009

Using the Library for Homeschooling
by: Lorraine Curry

Where can homeschoolers get unlimited educational materials and not spend a dime? The library, of course! What a blessing to be able to bring home stacks and stacks of books, all for free. The library makes homeschooling an option for parents who could not afford it otherwise.

According to various experts, and proven by our own experiences, reading aloud is the very best educational activity. The library is the place to get the books for doing this. When reading aloud you will be able to skip over really objectionable parts of books; or discuss world views. An example of this was the book that we used when studying slavery and the Civil War. We checked out a book of the slaves own words. Rather than pass over such interesting and accurate history, I passed over the few passages about nudity.

Scope and Sequence

A good place to start is with a plan, your scope and sequence. The scope and sequence gives details on what you will be teaching (scope) and in what order (sequence). The scope and sequence is usually written for one year at a time.

There are guides available that are quite helpful for writing the scope and sequence. One is World Book's Typical Course of Study. I thought it overwhelming and simplified it for the Course of Study in my book, Easy Homeschooling Techniques. Even a text's table of contents can be used as a a guide for a subject.

As well as helping with choosing resources from the library, a scope and sequence will make it easier to plan your daily schedule. You will also be able to see at any point during the year, what you have covered and what needs to be learned next.


Begin a rough draft. As main points (I, II, III, IV, etc.), list the major subject areas you will cover, such as Bible, Math, Language Arts, Health, Science and History. Leave plenty of room between your points, so that you can list subordinate topics beneath the main points. You may add Music and Art as well. (You could study the art and music of the time period you are covering in history.)

Now, pick and list the topics (from the guide) that you would like to cover. Get your children's input . You may end up with more than necessary. Remember, this is a rough draft! Look at grades around your child's grade, so you can have a continuity from year to year in subjects such as history. (See sidebar for an example of a history plan.)

Put some order into the jumble of science topics in Typical Course of Study when writing the scope and sequence. Choose one field of science (chemistry, physics, biology, etc.) to focus on each year, or spend the year studying scientists and discoveries from the same historical period you are studying. Tobins Lab's catalog has science topics arranged in an orderly fashion.

If you have children in several different grades, perhaps you can combine the topics or pick one that all can learn at the same time. I did this frequently with History, Science, and Health. Teach your children who are close in age the same Math and Language Arts. Look through several of the grades and plan ahead to achieve a continuity from year to year.

Choosing Books From The Library

Once your scope and sequence is completed, you have the easy job of picking out armfuls of books on a regular basis to fulfill the learning goals of your plan. With so many libraries having computerized card catalogs, this is quick work. Type in the era or topic, such as "civil war."

With this method one thing leads to another and soon you will read in one book about a person whose biography you can then borrow. Many homeschoolers favor the old Landmark, Signature or the We Were There biographies, which your library may still have. More eloquent writing was done by authors like G.A. Henty, Oliver Optic or Horatio Alger who wrote about various historical periods. We used the children's section of the library almost exclusively for many appropriate non-fiction books on a wide variety of topics when our children were younger. We also found some wonderful classic novels in the adult section, such as a fragile copy of the Christian colossus about slavery, Uncle Tom's Cabin.

Other Ideas

For foreign language, check out videos or cassette tapes. Do an intensive study during the time you have the tapes. Then in a week or so check them out again and do another study. Keep doing this until done with the course.

Most libraries have computers for public use, sometimes with good quality learning software. Have your child work on one of these while you are looking for books. Keep track of progress made each visit.

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Students across the country are jumping on the government student loan consolidation bandwagon. And for good reason!

Whether you are still in school, a graduate, unemployed or comfortably employed you can save thousands through a government student loan consolidation by locking in record low interest rates before they go up.

If you need to reduce your monthly student loan payments by extending the amount of time you have to pay your debt, a government student loan consolidation may be the solution for you.

If your loans are in default you may still reap the benefits of a government student loan consolidation. Benefits include protecting your credit rating, saving money by locking in lower interest rates or lower monthly payments

On the other hand, a government student loan consolidation may not be the answer for you if you’re nearing the end of your repayment term. There’s not a lot of ‘cents’ in spending your valuable time rearranging your loan portfolio, especially if it means extending the amount of time you have to pay off your debt. If you can manage your existing monthly payments stick with it because you will save money over the long term

If you have more than one student loan, a government student loan consolidation will allow you to combine all of them into one monthly payment while locking in a low interest rate. Ultimately, your debts will be easier to manage

To help make the repayment process easier and more attractive, there are four government student loan consolidation plans for you to choose from.

Standard Plan: The standard repayment plan offers a fixed-rate plan with monthly payments of at least $50 for up to ten years. Borrowers pay less interest under this plan because the repayment period is shorter.

Extended Payment Plan: The difference between this plan and a standard plan is monthly payments are extended over a period of 12-30 years. If you have a high debt load this may help you reduce your monthly payments but the longer you take to clear the loan, the more interests you will pay

Graduated Payment Plan: Under this plan monthly payments start out low and increase approximately every two years. The repayment period can be from 12-30 years depending on your debt load

Income Contingent Repayment (ICR) Plan: Your monthly payments via this plan are based on your income, family size and loan amount

Take the time to compare the cost of repaying your unconsolidated student loans against the cost of paying a government student loan consolidation

It’s in your best interest to explore your government student loan consolidation options. Consult and participating lenders to discover if government student loan consolidation is the right choice for you. If you decide consolidating your student loans is in your best interest, taking the time to compare what participating lenders offer could save you lots of money.

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Online Casinos - Take A Test Run

Selasa, 01 September 2009

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By now, you have heard about online casinos as being all the rave in the gambling circuit and being the new wave of gambling, and possibly the future of gambling. Yet, if you have never gambled at an online casino before, then you probably feel a little unsure of what it will be like and if you will like it or not. Wouldn’t it be great if you could test drive an online casino like you would a new car before you purchase it?

Well, you can. Many casinos offer a free section of their live casino where you can play their games with fake money, just to get a feel for the online casino and how the games work. If you don’t feel comfortable putting money into an online casino account, then a test drive is just what you need.

Many online casinos offer this service to their prospective clients and gamblers. Just like at a land casino, they want to give you the best experience possible to keep you coming back. Many gamblers who are new to the online casino scene are a little ‘gun-shy’ at first, not knowing what to expect. Many old hat gamblers feel that online casinos take the personality and fun out of gambling. These are the people who are giving online casinos a test run, and finding out just how fun it is to be in the comfort of your own home and gambling without worry.

Just like land casinos, online casinos offer all the popular casino games such as Baccarat, Blackjack, Craps, Poker, Roulette and Slots. So if you are looking for gambling entertainment that you can enjoy from the comfort of your own home, then you should look into online gambling casinos. There are hundreds of online casinos available on the Internet! Why not visit any number of gambling websites and jump in on the game today?

Guide To Free Debt Consolidation

Guide To Free Debt Consolidation
by: Mansi Gupta

There are innumerable people under debt who are plagued by the pressure of paying back their dues to collection agencies. This calls for consolidating their debts. Debt consolidation is a process that saves an individual from handling large debts of multiple creditors thru debt management program.

The debt management program helps to convert the credit cards, medical bills and utility bills debts into monthly manageable payment and also reduce the monthly payment.

In this regard several firms have come up who hire professional debt consolidation staff who first analyze the present debt amount and then negotiate a payment plan with the creditors to lower the interest rates and thereby reduce the debt amount. Late fees, penalties and hidden taxes are also waived off at times. The revised consolidated debt amount is then divided into easy monthly installments that make the repayment plans much easier.

The benefits of a debt consolidation program are:

• Elimination or reduction of past interest and penalty: In case of unsecured dues such as credit card dues, the amount due becomes much more than amount borrowed over a period of 4-5 years due to the interest and penalty charges levied on the amount over the due course of time. A debt consolidation program eliminates the interest and penalty charges on the amount borrowed. Now one needs to pay back only the borrowed amount.

• Consolidation of Credit Cards: Since people own more than one credit card at any point of time, they need to keep a track of payment of each credit card bill every month separately. In a debt consolidation programs all the accounts are consolidated into one account. So that only one bill is paid against all the credit card statements each month.

• Reduction of Average interest rate on the total amount: In case of different credit cards the interest rate varies from 8- 18%. When one goes through the debt consolidation program the interest rate on the consolidated account is much lower. The consolidated account might have an interest rate of only 8%. So the average interest rate for the unsecured debts is reduced significantly.

• Acquiring a payment plan depicting your payment abilities: With the debt consolidation program, the consultant first understands the persons needs and restructures the payment plan which suits the current payment capability of the person.

• Individual becomes debt free sooner: All the above benefits reduce the payoff time and thereby enable the person to repay the debt faster and easily. With in months this makes the person enrolled in the debt management program to be in control and debt free. In due course of time people are able to be fully debt free and earn better credit scores.

The increased demand for debt consolidation services has created opportunity for unscrupulous telemarketers. They exploit individual debt problems to their advantage and damage many people's credit in the process. A poor debt consolidation plan can leave one in worse shape than one was before the consolidation of debts.

It is therefore extremely important that one should understand the different types of debt consolidation services available today before rushing into blindly.

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